
The activities of the Noma Project are supported through research grants and donations provided by public and private institutions. We are grateful to our funders for making our work possible.


The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) was set up by joint decision by the Canton of Geneva and the Swiss Confederation with the mandate to promote international studies in Switzerland through activities and funding of academic institutions and researchers.

In 2019, SNIS awarded a two year research grant to the Noma Project.

Learn more about SNIS’ activities.


Hilfsaktion Noma e.V. is currently “one of the largest aid organisations in the fight against Noma”. The association’s goal is to support the efforts of the Government of Niger (since 1994) and the Government of Guinea-Bissau (since 2009) in the filed of public health and particular in their fight to prevent and treat noma.

Hilfsaktion Noma e.V. generously supports activities of the Noma Project.

Read more about the important work of Hilfsaktion Noma e.V.

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The Service de la Solidarité Internationale (SSI) de la République et Canton de Genève strives to promote sustainable development in order to contribute to the fight against poverty in the least privileged countries and to act to eliminate socio-economic inequalities, discrimination and exclusion.

The SSI is supporting the activities of the noma project through a grant.


Noma-Hilfe-Schweiz was founded in 2005 by personalities from the Zurich area in Switzerland. The organisation engages in prevention, alleviation and elimination of noma. It informs the public about the cause of the disease and raises funds in favor of projects dealing with the prevention and treatment of noma. 

Noma-Hilfe-Schweiz generously supports activities of the Noma Project.

Read more about Noma-Hilfe-Schweiz and its important work.


Winds of Hope is a humanitarian public utility foundation the primary objective of which is the elimination of noma. It works to prevent the disease and address its root causes, it joins forces by bring stakeholder together and persuades other actors to harness international action. 

In 2003, the Winds of Hope Foundation created the International NoNoma Federation which brings together associations and humanitarian organisations fighting against noma.

Winds of Hope generously supports the Noma Project.

Learn more about the Winds of Hope Foundation and its important activities.